Lancaster University Ghana is the only British University Campus in West Africa and it is globally recognised for its excellent teaching and quality research.
To drive the research agenda of the university, the LUG conference and research committee was inaugurated on Wednesday, 1st February 2023.
“The purpose of the Conference and Research Committee is to help foster a research culture at Lancaster University Ghana and to deliver solutions to complex problems, both in our region and around the world” said Dr. Arthur in his welcome address.

We were honoured to have our Group CEO, Mr. Daniel Adkins grace the ceremony. In his address during the inaugural ceremony, Mr. Daniel Adkins mentioned that funds have be allocated to support the university and encouraged all faculty members to take advantage of the research committee to partake in local and international research seminars and conferences.

A lecture on publishing a top tier journal was given by Professor George Amoako, our honoured guest for the ceremony.

Dr. Emmanuel Arthur officially introduced the members of the research committee which is composed of five members from the various faculties on campus: Dr. Francis Kwabena Atta from the Politics, Philosophy & Religion Department, George Kingsley Acquah from the Law Department, Patrick Amfo Anim and Prince Baah from the Business Department, and Dr. Pius Kwao Gadosey from the Computer Science Department.

The ceremony ended with a cocktail and networking session.