On the 16th of March, 2022, the student representative council (LGSC) organized and hosted an inter-college debate on campus. This is a part of the vision of the student representative council to host an annual debate competition between various universities and high schools on campus.
The premier debate competition was between Lancaster University Ghana and the University of Ghana, Legon. The motion for the house was “This house as the African Union will not pick sides in the ongoing Russian – Ukrainian conflict”.
Lancaster University Ghana stood for the motion and was represented by Kuukua Boohene as the first speaker and Kwame Casey Gyau and Killian Achung Ogbang as the second and third speakers respectively.
University of Ghana, Legon was represented by Yolanda Ofosua Kwadey as the first speaker and Cecil Andrian Sampson and Anastacia Ahenkan Nkrumah as the second and third speakers respectively.
The house was honoured to have Precious Bonsu, an educational consultant and founder of Whale Learning Group and Henry Nii Dottey, Head of Marketing and Corporate Communications at UBA Ghana Limited as the judges of the competition.
Both teams put up a commendable performance with the University of Ghana, Legon winning the competition and Killian Achung Ogbang from Lancaster University Ghana winning best debater.
Thanks to the SRC for bringing such an initiative with the vision to promote and enhance the indispensable skills of self-expression, public speaking and critical thinking to fruition.