LUG Students Embark on Enriching International Immersion Experience at Curtin University Dubai

Home>News>LUG Students Embark on Enriching International Immersion Experience at Curtin University Dubai

LUG is thrilled to announce that a select group of our students recently participated in a remarkable International Student Immersion Program, visiting Curtin University Dubai. This exciting initiative, organized by the Transnational Academic Group (TAG), marks a significant milestone in our commitment to providing global learning opportunities for our students.

Our students had the enriching opportunity to engage with Curtin University Dubai’s vibrant academic environment. They participated in a series of interactive workshops and attended inspiring lectures led by Curtin’s esteemed faculty, gaining invaluable knowledge and insights.

Beyond the classroom, the Immersion Program offered a deep dive into the rich culture of Dubai. From exploring the city’s iconic landmarks to savouring its diverse cuisine, our students experienced a fusion of learning and cultural discovery. The trip also provided a wonderful chance for them to connect and bond with fellow students, fostering cross-cultural friendships and expanding their global outlook.

At LUG we remain dedicated to offering our students exceptional international experiences that complement their academic journeys. The partnership with Curtin University Dubai and the involvement of the Transnational Academic Group represent just one example of our ongoing efforts to provide valuable global learning opportunities for LUG students.

By Samuella Asare-Kodua