Exceptional Foundation Students Placed on Provost's List

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Every term we are pleased to recognize our outstanding Foundation students for their excellent scholastic achievements by placing their names on the Provost’s List. We want to take a moment to congratulate all the students from our October 2019 intake who made the Provost’s List. 

We are proud of the wonderful accomplishments of these students, whose hard work and dedication shows their commitment to receiving quality education. These students were rewarded with a celebratory lunch with the Provost, Professor Malcolm McIver, where they were also presented with certificates.

We would also like to acknowledge the Star of the Term, who is the student with the highest average mark for the term: Stephanie Asare-Kodua! The Stars of the Term are also honoured by displaying a framed photograph of them in the Learning Common.
Below is a list of those who made it to the Provosts List:
1. Stephanie Asare-Kodua
2. Daisy Senesie
3. Ama Gyekyewaa Odei-Tettey
4. Selasi Tsatsu Anai Ansre
5. George Adekunle Obafemi
6. Papa Nyan Neizer
7. Sometochukwu Daniella Akpu
8. Nana Yaw Biga

Well done to you all!