In the Pursuit of Justice – LUG Law Society celebrates Law Week 2016

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The Lancaster University Ghana (LUG) Law Society has celebrated its Law Week 2016.

The week-long event, on the theme: ‘In the Pursuit of Justice,’ had activities that stimulated intellectual legal discussions and visits to the law courts with a view to having practical understanding of the legal system in Ghana. The students also had an opportunity to reach out to the less privileged within the community and to network with prominent players within the Ghanaian legal sphere.
The Chief Justice, Mrs Georgina Theodora Wood, ably represented by Justice Joseph B. Akamba of the Supreme Court of Ghana, during the opening ceremony, admonished the law students to develop high ethical standards and a genuine love for justice delivery.
As part of the activities the students took a trip to the Nsawam Prisons to witness firsthand the realities of the legal profession. Other law students visited the Beacon House Orphanage in East Legon to reaffirm the support and care of the Law Society and presented story and colouring books to the children there
The Society also held its second annual students symposium with its members with presentations geared towards a proper appraisal of the legal system’s strive to do justice as well as proffered suggestions to rectify perceived shortcomings.
The first ever moot competition in the history of LUG took place during the week. Arguing before the “Supreme Court”, the moot participants presented arguments for and against the validity of an Article 2 action challenging the constitutionality of Ghana declaring war on Togo in light of the “spirit of friendship with all nations” enshrined in the preamble of the constitution. This event ended with the judging panel praising the students for the level of advocacy skills they displayed and proffering advice on how to do better in the future.
The Law Week was crowned with a grand dinner and networking event at the Oak Plaza Hotel. The President of the Law Society, Alfred Momodu while thanking all the guests and stakeholders who made the week a possibility, appreciated the law students for their confidence in his leadership for the last one year plus. Going on to say that even though the dinner was one of his last official events as president, he was confident that he had built a solid enough foundation for an incoming executive to work on.