Inaugural Community Evening

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Over 150 parents, alumni, heads of schools, corporates, students and staff attended Lancaster University’s its first ever Community Evening. 

The unique evening event was organised to bring parents, staff and stakeholders together in one forum, giving them an insight into life at LUG and enlightening them on the achievements, milestones and future plans of the University.
The event included a display of projects and photos from the various student clubs and societies. Not only were these stakeholders able to find out more about LUG’s courses, placement opportunities and careers support, they also spoke to students representatives about their experiences whilst studying at LUG.
Adeolu and Emmanuel, both students of LUG , entertained the audience with motivational messages on Defining the norm and Black and White respectively. Both messages focused on training the mind to see the good in every situation.
In his keynote address, LUG Provost Professor John Grainger welcomed everyone present and expressed his gratitude to the parents, alumni, heads of schools and corporates for taking time off their busy schedule to attend the event. He also briefed those in attendance on the future plans of LUG.
All guests were given the opportunity to attend a panel discussion of their choice (Accounting & Finance, Business / Entrepreneurship, Computer Science & Technology, Law, Marketing, Politics & International Relations and Psychology) which was moderated by a faculty member. These were invaluable break-out sessions during which invited guests working in particular career sectors had the opportunity to guide students studying courses related to their own careers. Guests described their different fields of work, typical qualifications required, and what opportunities the students’ study courses offer them after school. This is aimed at helping students make informed decisions with regards to their career paths while they are still studying.
The evening ended with a mixer during which guests had the opportunity to network, meet members of faculty and administrative staff, and go through various exhibition stands created by the students.
The event is the first of its kind and will take place annually with the aim of engaging stakeholders of the University.
View pictures from the inaugural Community Evening here