Inaugural Educational Development Programme visit by LUG faculty to Lancaster University

Home>News>Inaugural Educational Development Programme visit by LUG faculty to Lancaster University

Nineteen members of teaching staff from Lancaster University Ghana (LUG) visited Lancaster University (LU) for a dedicated week of teaching development and faculty visits from 6th to 10th June, 2016.

The aim of the visit was to build relationships and enhance collegiality across both campuses, with a further educational development objective of discussing student achievement, attainment and success. 
The group spent five days at the Lancaster Bailrigg campus. Three days engaged in workshops facilitated by Lancaster’s Organisation & Educational Development department and sessions by key members of the University Professional Services. The last two days spent working with colleagues in relevant faculties and departments.
LUG faculty members were able to meet with LU’s senior management (the Vice-Chancellor and two Pro Vice Chancellors, Head of the International Office, Head of Registry, Head of Academic Standards and Quality, Director of Quality Assurance and Enhancement, amongst others). This enabled LUG faculty members to share their experiences of working at LUG with these key senior members of LU staff.
Both LUG and LU Bailrigg colleagues pointed out that the week was particularly useful in terms of building bridges between staff at both campuses, and facilitating closer ties and understanding between individuals. The visit has fostered potential for several collaborative initiatives between LU and LUG staff.
Thanks are due to colleagues who contributed to the Educational Development Programme (EDP) from across both campuses who worked hard to make the EDP so successful.