Lancaster Provost and Community Awards Night

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The inaugural edition of the Lancaster Provost and Community Awards Night was debuted on Saturday, 15th October 2016. 

The event brought together faculty, administrative staff, and students to celebrate the academic, civic and sports achievements of Lancaster University Ghana foundation and undergraduate students. The Student Affairs Department organized the event on behalf of the Office of the Provost.

The night began with a welcome address by the Provost, Professor. John Grainger who thanked the community for coming together to celebrate the event. He outlined the new Provost Award which would recognize undergraduate students achieving an aggregate 18 or above for the 2015/2016 academic year. He also spoke on leadership and citizenship as attributes to be emulated and hence awarded at Lancaster University Ghana.

After the Provost’s welcome address, Student Affairs Manager introduced the newly elected SRC executives for the 2016/2017 academic year. The officials of the Lancaster Ghana Student Council (LGSC) were presented as follows:

Position Office Holder
President Kelly Owusu Mensah
Vice President Qudus Ademisola Sanusi
Finance Officer Nana Badu Austin
Secretary Nana Kodua Agyeman Duffour
Communications Officer Junietta McCarthy
Clubs and Societies Coordinator Jude Terungwa Kucha
International Students Officer Theodora Ozioma Ikwechegh
Academic officer Ibukun Babdamilare Akilo
Welfare Officer Diane Esi Kaye

Kelly Owusu Mensah (Student Council President) then gave his state of the school address quoting American President John Kennedy as a rallying cry urging students to take up leadership positions. The Student Council President on behalf of his team also pledged his support to fulfill the responsibilities outlined in Lancaster Ghana Student Council constitution.

Foundation Coordinator, Mr. Johan Claasen gave a brief introduction of the Provost List Award which recognizes students with an AAB average at the foundation level. Certificates were presented to 25 recipients, 6 of which received the Provost List Award for three terms consecutively.

The night featured a performance from a guest artiste, a spoken word, and comedy and rap performances.

The next set of awards was introduced by Kuukua Nyarko (Registrar, LUG) who spoke about the highly competitive nature of the newly introduced undergraduate award. She explained that a minimum undergraduate aggregate of 18 (A-) was needed to receive this academic award. A total of 20 undergraduate students achieved this high honor, receiving certificates of academic distinction from the Provost.

Student Affairs Manager, Stan Osei-Bonsu presented the award for Leadership to Abdul Razaq Olasunkanmi Balogun 17’ for being the unsung hero as far as leadership was concerned. Razaq’s lead roles in the Media Club, as Lancaster Football League President, a committed Electoral Commission Official, and Founder/ Vice President of the Politics and Debate Club made him a natural pick. The Citizenship Award was presented to Diane Esi Kaye 18’. Diane’s trusted and tested commitment as a two-time Cultural Exchange Volunteer, LUSU Summer Buddy of the Year and SRC Welfare Officer continually seeking to the improve the school made her a natural pick as well. Both recipients received brand new Samsung Galaxy phones.

Intern of the Year was presented to Miss Naa Koshie Odarley Mills 17’ who’s recommendations on and off the field during the 2016 summer internships earned her the coveted award.

Dr. Emmanuel Arthur, (Chairman, Lancaster Award Committee) introduced the Lancaster Award explaining that it was a prestigious employability award that one could attain based on community activities and various workshops that would all count in an application for the award. Dr.  Arthur also mentioned that the award would soon be highly visible and urged students who may not have necessarily achieved academic or civic awards to aspiring to make this award starting from 2016 Lent term.

The award for the Most Valuable Sportsman (MVS) basketball category was presented to Clarence Ebow Coleman 17’. Most Valuable Sportsman football category went to Joffrey Duma 17’.  Each award recipient received a certificate and special sneakers from Adidas to crown their achievement.

Club of the Year was awarded to the Politics and Debate Society. Patron of the Year, which recognizes a staff member that has gone above and beyond the call of duty as far as mentoring and coaching a club or society on campus. In a split decision, both nominees Maame Mensah-Bonsu (Patron, Law Society) and Alice Judell (Patron, Politics and Debate Society) both received the award after a firm decision.  Mr. Raghav Lal (Executive Director, Transnational Education Gh) and Dr. Cynthia Forson (Lancaster University Ghana, Deputy Provost) presented the recipients with exclusive getaway vouchers to Axim Beach Resort.

To prepare the stage for the highlight of the award night, student group GHDR performed a choreographed dance-off. This raised dancing generally to another level as the Provost and Deputy Provost were each seen dancing the night away. The final performance sealed the success of the evening as renown and controversial hitmaker “Joey B” mounted the stage leading the students through a power packed performance.

Watch highlight video here