Leading differently – challenging paradigms

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Lancaster University Ghana (LUG) hosted its 2nd How to Master Education Workshop for high school principals and teachers. The workshop held at LUG’s new campus was attended by more than 60 high school principals and teachers from about 24 public and private high schools in Ghana. 

It was designed to provide participants with a rewarding experience in a lively intellectual interaction with other principals and teachers, as well as to deepen their understanding of current practices in the field of leadership. It aimed to help participants to further develop themselves as professionals so that they can contribute to the development of their students and the society at large.

The workshop covering topics such as Leadership, Vision and Enabling Others was facilitated by Prof. Cynthia Forson (Deputy Provost, Lancaster University Ghana) and Mrs. Margaret Nkrumah (Former Principal, SOS Hermann Gmeiner International College)

 “For me, there is nothing more satisfying and impactful than teaching.  Education is the bedrock of the nation and we as teachers and principals have an enormous responsibility on our shoulders; that is producing competent citizens who will run our institutions in the future”

The workshop conducted under the theme “Leading differently – challenging paradigms” gave educators inspiration and ideas for their own practice, and also encouraged them to think about taking the practice of teaching to the next level. It offered the participants the opportunity to reflect on their professional practice and to engage, at an advanced level, in a study of the practice and theories underpinning the role of leadership in their own particular contexts.