Practical Mock Interview Prepare Students For Real-World Success

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As part of Lancaster University Ghana’s effort to equip students with the skills and confidence needed to excel in job market, a practical mock interview session was organised by the Careers and Internship Placement unit.

The event, held on 18th May 2023, aimed to simulate a real-world interview experience and provide valuable feedback to participating students.

Before the event, students were given guidelines on how to prepare for the mock interviews, including researching the companies they were interested in, practicing common interview questions, and dressing professionally.

On the day of the event, each student was assigned a specific time slot for their interview. They were greeted by the panel of interviewers, who asked a range of questions related to their field of study and assessed their problem-solving abilities, communication skills, and overall demeanour.

Following the interviews, students received immediate feedback and personalized suggestions for improvement from the interviewers. This feedback proved invaluable, as it highlighted both strengths and areas for growth. Students were encouraged to reflect on their performance and incorporate the feedback into their future interview strategies.

Mr. Prince Afoani Baah, the Careers and Internship Placement Coordinator, highlighted the importance of such mock interview sessions. He said “We want our students to feel confident and well-prepared when they step into their first professional interview. By offering hands-on experiences that closely resemble real-world scenarios, the university is equipping its graduates with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in their chosen professions.”