TED Xperience at LUG – "Pioneering"

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In recent times, we are constantly faced with changes everywhere. We see these changes in technology, business, education, etc.  The question is, are we taking advantage of the changes we see around us, and do we know our role to play in these changes? 

Dubbed ‘Pioneering”, the TED X’perience was the first ever in Lancaster University Ghana (LUG) to provide a platform where students shared their thoughts on taking first steps in projects, as well as causing a change in wherever they find themselves. This was a partnership between Lancaster University Ghana and TEDx Accra. TED X’perience was designed to give students the opportunity to stimulate dialogue through a TED-like experience at the campus level that fosters an environment of creativity and at the same bring to bare the community spirit at Lancaster University Ghana.
With most of our student-led activities on campus, TED X’pereince was one of the events that challenged students to take time to reflect on the inside to give off to the entire community what it meant to take bold decisions to cause a change and also challenge the status quo. . From feedback received, this event boosted their skills in public speaking and confidence.
The event had four speakers – Aaliyah Tawasimi, second year Business student spoke on “The Attitude of The 21st Century Pioneers, Alfred Momodu, second year Law student gave an insight on “Leading From Our Minds”, and the finally Adeolu and Gbenga Fola-Alade educated the audience on ways to “Define the Norm” as well as ways of venturing into the unknown as modern day pioneers respectively. 
The students admitted that they were thrilled to explore the topics since for them LUG is a case study of an institution that challenged the status quo and took bold steps to introduce a new standard of education in Ghana. They agreed the LUG approach pioneering spirit empowers them to reach for higher heights to make Africa a better place.
The evening was crowned with an inspiring, yet thought-provoking remarks from Rev. Dr.Charles Buckman. He encouraged students to do their best and learn to adapt to the changing times. He did not leave without sharing his four principles in life. That is; LIVE, LOVE, LEARN, LEAVE A LEGACY. He challenged everyone in attendance to go and make an impact in our society.