The RECIRCULATE Project: Driving eco-innovation in Africa

Home>News>The RECIRCULATE Project: Driving eco-innovation in Africa

Lancaster University is leading a ground-breaking project called RECIRCULATE in partnership with African researchers to address the urgent need for safe and effective water use in Africa.

RECIRCULATE is a £6.8 million project funded by Research Councils UK through the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF). GCRF is a 5 year £1.5Bn fund and a key component in the delivery of the UK Aid Strategy: tackling global challenges in the national interest.  It supports new partnership-based approaches to enable African researchers to grow transformational impact through working with, in and for their communities and developing robust, durable and equitable partnerships with UK researchers.
The Recirculate project will deliver innovative solutions to pressing problems with water use and safety and “join up” the different ways in which water sustains communities, from sewage disposal to energy generation and water used in food production.
Across partners and across disciplines, and working with business and other research users, we aim to co-design research to deliver appropriate solutions for Africa, building on cutting-edge solutions to addressing the global challenges around safe and sustainable water use.
This project includes a very substantial training element, including focused training events at Lancaster University Ghana (Accra) and 6-8 week “residences” at Lancaster University. For more information click here