2017 Michaelmas Term Research Seminar Series Schedule

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The aim of the Research Seminar Series is to bring together academic staff, current foundation, undergraduate, postgraduate students and administrative colleagues of the University in an informal intellectual and social environment. The seminars are held on Wednesdays at 2:00 pm, and each addresses a particular theme.

The format of each seminar is intended to encourage a range of perspectives and engagement with the given core theme. Speakers from separate disciplines and academic contexts will describe how the concept or experience of that topic has influenced their own research and research-related agendas. 

See current calendar for Michaelmas Term 2017/2018 below:

Date Host Seminar Speaker Title & Summary
8th November 2017          Economics Department  Dr Eric Akobeng Remittances, Institutions and Poverty
15th November 2017



      Dr George Amoako Social Media Marketing and the Effects on Brand Equity
22nd November 2017 ALL  Film: ERIN BROKOVICH 

Viewing and Discussion of themes in the film ‘ERIN BROKOVICH’

An unemployed single mother becomes a legal assistant amd almost single-handedly brings down a California power company accused of polluting a city’s water supply. 

29th November, 2017 Accounting & Finance Mrs Gifty Abbam / Nicholas Asare / Michael Asamoah  TBC
6th December 2017 Psychology   TBC
13th December 2017 TBC